
The Confessions of a Yarnho

where addiction and yarn come to play



Random life observations

You are invited!

Hey family!

I am super excited to announce we have moved to our very own h2015-09-21 16.25.04ome!! is now live!! Of course I want you all to come over for a visit and check out the new place. I have a give-away running, I have a new logo, I have t-shirts and mugs! Woo Hoo I am super excited. The give-away is a tote bag with my new logo on it and all you have to do to enter is subscribe to the blog with your email.  Who knows that tote bag may even be full of yarn…you don’t want to miss out. I can’t seem to find the words to explain the level of excitement that I am currently experiencing. I will say this, never ever give up on your dreams, no matter what!

I am going to leave this up for a week or so to give everyone time to come on over to the new location. I’ll see you all over there.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on

Why I Knit….

“When life presents a challenge I knit” that was true then and is true to this day. I mean it from my core when I say knitting has saved my life

The Confessions of a Yarnho

You all know I love to knit, and ultimately we knit to create. I learned to knit probably 4 or 5 years ago at this point..but in 2012 is when GGmadeit was born, it’s when I began knitting to save my life, it’s when I began knitting to avoid my fears, its when knitting became my therapy.

I woke up to a post on Instagram that rocked me to tears. Because it is Thursday we must THROWBACK in the form of pictures, so a friend posted a pic in one of my first sold pieces. She went on to “tell a story” and that story should be titled “Why I Gaye Glasspie”

She said “I have a story to tell about this scarf/hat thing. Lol. The person who made this is so special to me. She started knitting at a time when everything was going wrong. She could have…

View original post 178 more words

Thankful Thursday…

Hey family, I decided to do a VLOG today….here you go 

Thank YOU!!!

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on

Hello New Year….

“SUCCESS|People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing” ~Dale Carnegie


So I should be independently wealthy! LOL I knit with the yarn I ADORE and I get to take pics so you all can see it, what more can I yarnho/wannabephotograhper ask for? NOTHING! I am absolutely having fun, now to turn that into an income, that’s the trick 🙂

Here we are in a new year, with a clean slate,and a fresh start; a start that I welcome. Most of my crafting goals surround my knitting/yarn obsession. Wether that goal pertained to stepping up my blog game or my knitting game; I plan to improve, to do more and to do better.

Blog Goals

*post daily – which will require discipline and preparation on my part. I can do that, I just need to do it!

*increase participation – I want to provide a blog you all want to read and interact with, so I will be asking questions as to what you want to read about.

Knitting Goals

*learn design – if you didn’t know I will use a pattern as a skeleton so to speak and then I run with my imagination. What I want to learn is the science behind the design, for example, how to convert a stitch to be worked in the round. How many stitches I need to cast on (oh I hate math btw, pray for me) what needle should be used, etc.

I tweeted about this very thing today and the response I got is the reason I love my fiber friends. I was told to just grab some yarn, make a swatch and take good notes. So I think I am ready guys. I have a new notebook, my new iPad Air and more than enough yarn.

Etsy Goals

*improve GGmadeitbyhand – This goal is directly connected to the design thingy..because what I want for my ETSY shop is that signature piece. That item that makes folks say “That’s from GGmadeitbyhand” I am currently all over the place and want to do better. I believe if I fine tune what it is you can get from GG, the more folks will come and spend.

I know the whole resolution thing gets old, but this is not that. I read a quote that I love today.

“If you really want to do something, you’ll find a way; if you don’t , you’ll find an excuse ” ~Jim Rohn

What are your goals for this year?

Knit on my fiber friends..knit on


Happy Thanksgiving :)


From me and my family to you and yours.

My BFF knits too

Ya’ll know I LOVE to knit and for someone who doesn’t I can be annoying as hell! Yup I know there are other things in the world to discuss and well, so! I wanna and am gonna talk yarn and knitting, ALL THE TIME! Insert this woman right here, the one and only Teresa Williams or Crochetme1 (her IG name)

We met at Morgan State University in 1984 and became fast friends. As fate would have it, life took us in different directions but imagine my delight when we discovered we had crocheting in common. Lol you have to hear her tell the story about me abusing her as I taught her how to knit. 😆 lies, all lies I tell you!

Anyway, she is the reason I am yarnho, she took me to my first LYS (local yarn store) Knitknack, in Maplewood NJ and baby, I lost my whole mind. Yup it’s her fault! So as you can imagine, the two of us at a yarn store/fair/crawl/walk are dangerous

Yes she made the vest she is wearing and these things too




Love having someone who understands my crazy.

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on

The string that binds: YARN

The connection

It’s Friday morning, I am on the train platform waiting for my train. As usual I have my Fringe Supply & Co bag full. On this day it’s full of completed projects that didn’t sell last season. I had a few folks at the location I am currently assigned ask what I had to sell and since the shop isn’t  open, I took in some things. A woman walks up and says “oh that is nice, whatever it is” I smile and proceed to tell her what I had in the bag. (a cowl, a shawl and some other GGmadeit items) She then says “did you make them?”  “did you make what you are wearing too?” You guys know I love saying “yes! I made it :)”


We both confessed our addictive love to yarn. She went on to say that she is a Freelance designer and proceeded to give me my entire fiber life. I told her about my ETSY shop and she proceeded to tell me why I should NOT have it closed..because the seasons in the US have nothing to do with seasons other places in the world. And I quote “just because its hot as hell here….” I loved this woman immediately. Of course I didn’t have a business card but she did and her name is Elise, but I told her that her middle name is now Angel because God sent her to me. She is also a fashion writer and winter accessories is a small segment she covers. I hate that I didn’t take a pic of her, but as soon as I send this post I am going to email her. I mean anyone sitting near us on the train would have thought we were old friends. We hugged when I got off and all because I had a bag full of handmade items.


My Fiber Network

I have met some wonderful people on this fiber journey. I mean is it me or are folks that are crafty just super nice? I don’t care where I am, if I have my yarn out folks talk to me. I am so very happy I met Elise and I look forward to absorbing some of her expertise. She said she has been in the business 25 years and imagine we just happen to meet.

The other day I was in Joann’s in Long Island with a friend. (I am teaching her to knit) and I hear “GG, is that you?” I turn to this huge smile and she said I follow you on Instagram. I love my fiber friends. They help me, teach me and inspire me. Yarn I swear it has woven some folks right into my heart.

I mean I have been in yarn stores all over and made friends in each stop. I thank God for the internet and the ability to stay connected to my fiber friends.

Can anyone relate?

When life and well Apple get in the way of knitting

So it’s like a week since I knit or purl, yes you read it right! I have not knit in 7 whole days.

Why? Well I am a new commuter and because of that my days are like 13 hours long. Therefore, if I sit still I pass all the way out. Then, there was my other obsession….the new iPhone was released and well of course I had to have it IMG_0019.JPG

I mean one must be able to clearly see Ravelry right? And who doesn’t want the best pic of their hard handmade work? Listen it’s even easier to blog from this phone, so there. I ran home from work to play with Goldy <—-what I call my phone and slept all day today.

So the plan for tomorrow is to get a few rows done and get back in the flow of things. I mean I should be able to swoon over Goldy and knit too, right?

Why I Knit….

You all know I love to knit, and ultimately we knit to create. I learned to knit probably 4 or 5 years ago at this point..but in 2012 is when GGmadeit was born, it’s when I began knitting to save my life, it’s when I began knitting to avoid my fears, its when knitting became my therapy.

I woke up to a post on Instagram that rocked me to tears. Because it is Thursday we must THROWBACK in the form of pictures, so a friend posted a pic in one of my first sold pieces. She went on to “tell a story” and that story should be titled “Why I Gaye Glasspie”

She said “I have a story to tell about this scarf/hat thing. Lol. The person who made this is so special to me. She started knitting at a time when everything was going wrong. She could have given up but we encouraged her her to pursue her gifts, talents and passions. She lost a lot during that period, but she has gained so much since then. She is a true testament to the power of faith, prayer and perseverance. This was my first piece from ggmadeit and I rock it proudly every winter….”


I am truly blessed to have some wonderful people in my life. Melanie, I love you girl!! You helped me decide on colors, patterns and even gave me my baby Yarnae IMG_5413 yes my mannequin has a name! lol! She made me laugh when I wanted to cry and prayed when I COULDN’T stop crying. I love this chic and this is one of the many reasons why.

I can’t explain how knitting has and continues to keep me from falling apart. When I tell you EVERYTHING THAT COULD GO WRONG DID! Woo wee, just thinking about it makes my eyes leak. I thank God for my yarn, as it is definitely the string that holds me together.

When life presents a challenge..KNIT


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