it’s not always a bad thing.
Let’s rewind the tape to a few weeks ago when I checked my Ravelry and found a note from Taiga Hilliard, a designer I just happen to love and if you don’t know who she is you can see her fabulous designs here . So because we are connected on Instagram she knows I am a fat fiber lover and reached out to see if I would be interested in testing some patterns for her. I was all…you mean lil ole me?


Guess who had some A S A P just sitting in a project bag waiting to be great. That would be me!


So I printed out a copy of the pattern, wound my yarn and got started…well I tried to get started but that day was a long one IMG_6180I swear my heart was in the right place but listen here….the level of my fatigue has not been described and I literally fell asleep before I could cast on, but no’s super bulky yarn on US19 needles. I started it on Friday evening and finished up at the laundromat the next morning


Yes I kid you not when I say #sheknitsallthetime so I get home and I put it on the blocking mat, because I had another one to do…I can’t wait to show them all…but patience my loves..they are coming. So the pattern, can you do it? Absolutely…the pattern is called Lightning Strike and if you can knit, purl and yarn over…you are good. I think Taiga did a great job with the pattern as it is written and charted, so whichever tickles your fancy…you can do this. The pattern is listed here go show some love and add it to your favorites please. Don’t you just love the edging? I know you do because yea: CUTE!


So about that Lighting striking thing…well it just so happens that I would be attending my family reunion in VA and the one and only Patty McGuire happens to live exactly where I would be….POW!! Can you say photoshoot? What are the odds, my time was short but I had to make it happen.  Listen, you saw the pics of my Spring Fever in this post here this woman is AMAZING with that lens. Check out her website and see for yourself.  It was damn near 100 degrees, but I was cool as a cucumber because she made me feel comfortable. When she showed me the proofs, I was close to tears. Just overwhelmed with pride. I mean I was all like is that me? I knit that? If you let me tell it I am still a new knitter, it was just an all around WOW!! Ok let me show you what I mean….

Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire
Gaye Glasspie of GGMadeIt modeling knitwear for PattyMac Photos as photographed by Patty McGuire

Thank you all for reading and your feedback. I love the comments and I read each and every one. AND know this if I can do it so can you…one stitch at a time.

P.S. I will be adding more pics to this post as the become available. I was a bad girl and posted them before they were finished 😏 what I was excited to show you guys! Lol

Knit on my fiber friends…knit on